
Respect is The Key To Love

I tell my partner every day that I love her. That may sound old fashioned, but it makes me feel great to do it. We have been together for over 24 years. When people ask how we’ve managed to create that relationship, we point to one thing: respect. It isn’t as romantic to tell someone “I respect you” every day, but is critical that you feel that way.
Love is a word that gets bandied about too much. We use it on objects, food, outfits, whatever. What does NOT get bandied about is the word respect.
When someone says “I respect you” it forms the basis for an actual relationship. Respect is the glue that holds people together. People can fall in and out of love, and that love can vary in its intensity and depth as a relationship progresses. But respect for each other is far more binary in nature. It is either on or off.
Once you’ve lost respect for someone, it can be impossible to retrieve. And that can be the death knell of love. But if you can hold onto that respect, it can forge a bond deeper than anything else in your life.
We watch Seinfeld a LOT in our house. In one of our favorite Seinfeld episodes (The Engagement), Jerry and George decide that they need to grow up and form a mature relationship with someone. Jerry confides in Kramer about their thoughts:

Jerry: We were talking about our lives and we both kind of realized we’re kids. We’re not men.

Kramer: So, then you asked yourselves, “Isn’t there something more to life?”

Jerry: Yes. We did.

Kramer: Yeah, well, let me clue you in on something. There isn’t.

Jerry: There isn’t?

Kramer: Absolutely not. I mean, what are you thinking about, Jerry:? Marriage? Family?

Jerry: Well…

Kramer: They’re prisons. Man made prisons. You’re doing time. You get up in the morning. She’s there. You go to sleep at night. She’s there. It’s like you gotta ask permission to use the bathroom. Is it all right if I use the bathroom now?

Jerry: Really?

Kramer: Yeah, and you can forget about watching TV while you’re eating.

Jerry: I can?

Kramer: Oh, yeah. You know why? Because it’s dinner time. And you know what you do at dinner?

Jerry: What?

Kramer: You talk about your day. How was your day today? Did you have a good day today or a bad day today? Well, what kind of day was it? Well, I don’t know. How about you? How was your day?

Jerry: Boy.

Kramer: It’s sad , Jerry. It’s a sad state of affairs..

Jerry: I’m glad we had this talk.

Kramer: Oh, you have no idea!

It’s hysterical, and we actually quote it on a nearly daily basis as an inside joke. But it points to one of the most misunderstood parts of a great relationship: respectful communication.
When you respect another person, it is natural to want to get their point of view. In all my years of extensive (100,000 miles per year) travel, I made a rule out of speaking to her each night. We still make time each evening to have a conversation before bed. It can be about something as menial as what we’re doing the next day, or as important as where one of our girls is at in their life.
I value my wife’s ideas, desires, and feelings, as much as my own. Our relationship is based on building each other up. We create opportunities to support each other against what the world is throwing at us every day. And we do that by communicating with each other.
In business, my most important task was creating a strong team. That meant fostering an atmosphere of respect in the workplace and between team members. Central to that was the role of open communication, encouraging feedback, and making sure people respected each otherI like to think that team building was one of my strongest contributions to the success of my company, and it was all based on ensuring mutual respect. I’ll be writing about team building a lot in the future.
We may not always agree on a course of action, but we must respect each other’s contribution to the discussion.
When you think of ways to great strong bonds with people, make sure you take steps to ensure that the importance of mutual respect is never trivialized. It is critical to success in every part of your life.
And while I will still always tell my wife I love her every day, what I’m also saying is that I respect her.
Comments and thoughts are welcome, as always!

Zen and the Art of Learning

The art of learning is a key skill for any successful life. Zen teachings and stories can show us better ways of approaching that art. I became interested in Zen in the mid 90’s, after a journey of self-examination that resulted in deciding that we alone are responsible for our own fate. No supernatural, theistic, god-like interventions for me.
I read many books on the meaning and practice of Zen, building my own interpretation of how I would live. My favorite is Zen Flesh, Zen Bones that contains the original 101 Zen Stories, compiled in 1919.
A Cup of Tea is the first koan in the book, and sums up what I have come to believe is the most important lesson in life. We are burdened by the weight of our own history and opinions. Only by freeing ourselves from that weight can we be fulfilled


Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.

Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring.

The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. “It is overfull. No more will go in!”

“Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”

How does this koan help us to be better at learning? Approaching new ideas free from “opinions and speculations” allows a person to absorb them more completely. This learning skill is a requirement for being able to adapt to rapidly changing situations in life and at work.

I have an ability to research, explore, and learn new things quickly. When researching things, I find it helpful to empty my mind of expectations, previous knowledge, and extraneous influences. This way I can quickly filter through multiple sources to find the nuggets of gold. I will then write my results down, making that learning more permanent.  

Finding A Cup of Tea and absorbing what it means was one of my most important life lessons. Learning how to learn is a key to success.

I’ve added a page to the site that contains the links to all of the 101 Zen Stories. Check it out!

My Selection Of Razors

Shaving, and other rituals

 I love shaving. There, I’ve said it.

I own 5 different razors, two brushes, assorted creams, gels and accessories. Some might call this egregious, but I call it perfect. Each of my four safety razors has a different aggressiveness, weight, and size. When I haven’t shaved for 7 days, I reach for the Feather: a marvel of japanese engineering. If I need a quick freshening, I’ll grab the Merkur. The Muhle is a daily driver. When I am in a huge hurry, I have a Gillette Fusion as a backup, but it rarely gets used. It doesn’t feel like I actually accomplished my perfect shave.

I also use different shaving creams, based on mood, facial hair length, or light level in the bathroom. I use a predefined set of strokes, always starting from the right side of my face. I then move left under the jaw, then finish up in front the mustache and chin area.

This is one of those rituals I love – it forces me to take time to do something right. No slap-dash approach to a daily chore for me. Shaving is an art, one that gives me a sort of inner peace.

Some of my other rituals are less glamourous, like the nose and ear hair trimming. I actually have a Groom Mate Platinum Nose Hair Trimmer. This sits comfortably in the back of the shaving drawer until needed. A few spins of the tiny appliance and things are tidied up nicely.

I handle finger and toenails as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is so non-glamorous, I usually hover over the toilet to catch the scraps.

We are all inner obsessive-compulsives in regard to some aspect of our lives. It must come with the lizard brain lurking behind us all. For my girl, its cleaning. It just makes her feel calm and complete. Shaving is the same for me.

You don’t need to travel great distances, or learn meditation techniques to find an inner calmness. You can get it from everyday life.